NewsPremier Division

Premier Division Season Preview 2024/25


It has been 91 days since we last had a busy Saturday of SCEFL football but the time is now upon us to get the 2024/25 season underway.

Twenty teams arrive at the start line, all full of hopes and expectations of an exciting time ahead. One of those clubs will end up as our Champions while 4 teams will participate in the end of season play-offs.

Our recent Prediction Poll has identified a clear title favourite, yet the same team were picked to win last year and things didn’t quite go as many expected. The reality is that the SCEFL Premier Division is tough, it’s deep and on their day any team can beat any other.

We now take a look at all 20 teams taking part, hearing from some of the key people involved and seeing what they are expecting from the 9 months ahead.

Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the official preview of the 2024/25 Presence & Co. SCEFL Premier Division!


Bearsted flirted with the play-off places for much of last season before a seventh-placed finish was a record high for the Club.

Manager, Kevin Stevens has kept together much of the team that done so well last time and with some smart additions is hopeful of creating some more history for the Bears.

“I’m pleased to say the majority of our squad we retained and to that we’ve added seven really good additions in areas we identified needed improving or more competition. The players that have been added are experienced players that have played our level and above. Importantly they are also the characters that we want in the dressing room and will help others develop both on and off the pitch.”

“Pre season has been really testing with a mixture of tough opposition and an unusually high number of injuries. Credit to the squad who have worked hard during this tough period, which I’m sure will stand us in good stead for the coming season.”

Bearsted host Stansfeld on Saturday before a tricky trip to some old SCEFL friends in the FA Cup.

“I believe there are no easy games at this level anymore and our FA Cup draw away to Crowborough Athletic is a tough one. They made the playoffs last year, are always a well organised side and get a decent crowd behind them.”

“In the Vase we are at home to Bexhill. A home draw is always nice as is playing a team from a different league. Again a tough draw but one we are really looking forward to.”

“We play Stansfeld at home Saturday in the league. As I said there will be no easy games. We will prepare as well as we can for what will be a very tough opener. Hopefully we come out on top and take the three points.”

And with a good start will Bearsted be able to break into the top five?

“I was pleased to see both Deal Town and Erith Town deservedly get promoted last season. Two sides that I think go about things the right way. With them gone I think there will be a lot of sides pushing for the playoff places. “

“Last season we finished in our best ever position of seventh. Our target is to go better than that and take one of the playoff positions. I feel we have strengthened really well, have gained experience from going close last season and those combined will help us achieve our goals.”

“Competition will be extremely tough and will make for a very interesting and exciting season.”


Ahead of last season we didn’t really know what to expect from a much-changed Corinthian side and it’s fair to say they surprised many by finishing 5th, reaching the play-off final and also finishing a Challenge Cup runners-up.

After a short rest, Michael Golding is ready to go again and he is excited to see how his latest crop can compete in and cope with the demands of SCEFL football.

“As is the norm at Corinthian, we have had to completely rebuild the team as the players are cherry picked by teams with a budget. We have managed to keep six players from last season, with young players Nathan Boamah and Kam Holmes-Lewis agreeing to stay and also experienced player Tom Fitzgerald staying. As always, we are indebted to Jamie and Jack (Billings) along with Oscar Housego for their dedication and commitment to the club and for giving us a foundation to attempt the rebuild yet again.”

“In terms of player recruitment, the vast majority of the squad are being given the opportunity to play regular senior football for the first time, so we will very quickly need to get them up to speed with the demands of Step 5 football to ensure we are as competitive as we can be given the unique restraints of the club.”

“Pre-season feels like it has come and gone in a flash… With our later finish due to reaching the play off final and the early SCEFL start due to the FA Cup fixtures, the break away from football was also shorter, so it was a balancing act of when to return, allowing the players and all at the club enough time to rest and recuperate and then also enough time to be fully prepared for the challenges that the new season will bring. Results have been mixed, but performances and fitness levels have steadily improved over the six games and it has been good to play a range of teams from Step 2 down to Step 6.”

The fixture computer has certainly been harsh on Corinthian, not just in the league but in handing them some very difficult ties in the FA competitions.

“The opening league game is tough, Lordswood have recruited well and have a number of experienced players amongst their ranks. They are certainly building a team to challenge for the play offs, and I would expect them to be in and around the play off picture come the end of the season. When you look at the opening block of five fixtures, we are playing four teams (Lordswood, Bearsted, Hollands & Blair and Punjab United) that will all harbour play off ambitions and the investment in their playing squads this year suggests they will not be far away.”

“The cup draws have been incredibly tough on us, although the pleasing aspect of both the FA Cup and FA Vase are that we are home. The FA Cup sees us face AFC Whyteleafe, who were the best side we played last season – They have again recruited even more players from many levels above and will be one of if not the favourites to win their Step 5 division this season. We will go into this game as massive underdogs, but it will be a fantastic test of our young squad and gives us an early indication of the level this newly assembled squad are at and capable of reaching.”

“The FA Vase sees us host Tooting and Mitcham, another side predicted to go well in the Combined Counties league, but the beauty of the Vase is that it starts significantly later, so we will be able to have watched and fully prepped for Tooting to give ourselves the best possible chance of progressing.”

Can Corinthian somehow find away to compete at the top end again?

“My aim each and every season is to win the league. If we cannot win the league, can we get promoted? There is no point being in football if you are not trying to be the best in your division. Also, it is not overly inspiring to the players we have worked hard to keep and the players we have recruited to tell them our goal is to finish in 10th place in the SCEFL… This of course is going to be incredibly hard, but if we are not aiming for that, then what is the point of giving up so much time and effort over the next 10 months!”

“The reality is that we have had to completely rebuild the squad and similarly to last year, we just do not know how well we will cope with he demands of SCEFL football. Last year we managed to get a positive start and generate a bit of momentum, beating both Kennington and Faversham Town in our opening two league fixtures – This not only generates momentum, but also a bit of belief amongst the squad. The start we have this year on paper looks significantly tougher than last year, so we need to ensure we are competitive in every game and then reassess after five and then 10 games.”

“There is no given right for any team to win leagues or cup competitions and certainly not us. People will potentially say Corinthian will be there or thereabouts again based on what we nearly achieved last season, again, the reality is that we are completely different and need to get the new group of players to understand how we want to play and also for us as a management team to get to know the new players and adapt our style to get the best out of these players both individually and then collectively.”

“We will train hard, we will try and be as fit as we can be and the minimum aim is to be competitive in every single game – We will back ourselves as a management team that we can get the squad organised and playing in a structure to suit the players and also the level of football and then after that hopefully we can upset a few of the big hitters and see if we can gain a bit of momentum to see where it takes us.”

Looking away from his own club for a minute, who does Michael think will be in the promotion mix this year?

“Faversham Town will of course be the favourites to win the league, and rightly so. They have one of the two best management teams in the division and a squad littered with quality, Tommy has recruited well over the summer with key additions and experience to give them the best squad going into the opening round of fixtures. I think having had six months with Tommy as manager, they will learn from last year and a full season this year with Tommy will see them crowned champions next April.”

“The play offs, as they did last year, will make the division competitive and the battle for the play off places will run until the last month of the season.”

“I fully expect Whitstable Town and Hollands and Blair to challenge for the title and they will both be incredibly disappointed if their investments do not result in at least a play off place come the end of the season. Bearsted although understandably playing it down, will be disappointed to have missed out on a play off place last season, having been well placed for much of the season. They have again invested well and are probably the best coached attacking team in the division, so these would be my picks for the play offs / top 4.”

“Outside of those four, the rest of the managers and teams all looking at the play offs and hoping that they can go on a run to make the top five. My predictions for the last play off place are between the following teams;”

“VCD Athletic look like they have learned from their mistakes of last season and have made some good signings and will be in hunt for a play off place. Punjab United have spoken over the past couple of seasons about reaching the play offs, so you would expect them to perform better than last season. And then our opening day opponents, Lordswood and SCEFL Premier new boys, Larkfield and New Hythe will both feel they have a strong chance of finishing in the top five and are certainly teams to look out for!”

“That is already nine teams that you would consider strong enough to reach the play offs, and that is without the SCEFL dark horse that tends to come out of nowhere each season… That is nearly 50% of a division that will feel as though they have a chance of promotion and whilst the quality may not always be that high, the consistency needed to reach the top five will take a lot of hard work and effort from any team hoping to playing Step 4 football next season.”

And while we head off to book our train tickets to Longfield, here are a final few words from Michael…

“A massive thank you to everyone behind the scenes at Corinthian, the work you do often goes unnoticed, but it is very much appreciated by myself, the management team and the players. A thank you to the SCEFL volunteers for the time and effort you all put into the running of this division, hopefully we will see one of the SCEFL committee members at one of our home games this season, as you were unable to make it to a game last season.”

“And to our fellow managers, coaching teams and players, enjoy the next 10 months, we are looking forward to doing battle with you all again.”


After a one year break Erith & Belvedere are back with us in the Southern Counties East League although they are sure to be wanting their return to be a short one.

As with last year Jamie Phipps and Billy Hamlin will lead the team and they have brought in many of their trusted former Stansfeld squad to blend with existing Deres players plus new signings like Alfie Eldridge and Danny Lear.

Erith & Belvedere find themselves on the road for many of their early fixtures.

In the FA Vase they go to Godalming Town and it’s Lordswood away in the FA Cup while in the league the season starts at Snodland Town before a trip to Kennington 10 days later.

They won the league just 2 seasons ago, will Erith & Belvedere be in the running to win it again this year?


Just like last year, SCEFL followers have once again put Faversham Town as the favourites to win the Premier Division title – with around 40% of predictions going on Tommy Warrilow’s side.

It didn’t quite work out for Faversham last year but when talking to the Kent Non League Podcast Tommy spoke of his happiness with his recruitment made and of his preparations.

We are looking okay and we’ve been going in the right direction in pre-season.” 

“We will probably be the favourites in every game we play but I don’t mind that and have reminded the players that it’s a massive compliment and you should be wanting to play in teams like that.”

Recruitment has included Tashi-Jay Kwayie, Callum Davies, Henry Muggeridge, Johan Caney-Bryan and Frannie Collin. All added to an already strong squad so it’s no surprise that Faversham Town are expected to do well. But who could threaten them for the title?

“Expectations of this football club are to get out of the league.”

“Whitstable Town should do well with what’s going on down there, Corinthian will still be up there, Lordswood and Hollands & Blair have recruited well and Punjab United are always difficult. But it’s about us getting our own levels right.”

“We have everything going for us on and off the pitch. I am happy with what we have got and now it’s down to us. It’s about us getting our attitude right, and I’ll make sure it is right.”


Last season was an unsettled one for Fisher, with boss AJ Ashanike leaving for a short while before returning to lead the side to a mid-table finish. 

As happens very regularly at the club, some of the players have moved up in the World and now AJ has had to once again scour the South East to find the latest young talent to entertain the Fisher faithful.

“We have had a massive rebuild at the club again for this season but the squad is looking well and I’m happy where we are at the moment. Most of the boys that we sign are always not big names but I’m looking forward to seeing how they cope at step 5 this season. Many boys from last season have moved on to bigger and better things which we all love to see.”

The FA Competitions will see Redhill and Faversham Town arrive at St Pauls – for which AJ is fairly relaxed about!

“Cup games are cup games, whoever is up for it will win and it doesn’t matter who you face.”

The serious business comes in the league though, starting with Punjab United this Saturday. What can we expect from Fisher this year?

“The aim is always the same for me. The boys need to display high level performances each week and then everything else will fall into place. The league is wide open and once again anyone can beat anyone at this level.”

“We are all looking forward to the season ahead and to putting together a good squad once again.”


There is a new man in the dugout at Foxbury this year, with Fred Dillon tasked with leading Glebe into another Premier Division season.

A whole new squad has speedily been assembled to make them competitive once more but they are also planning for the future as they look to make the club stronger from the ground up.

Fred has been busy but is ready to go.

“Preparations so far have been good , but we have picked up a few injuries which has set some back a couple of weeks which is frustrating but again this is what happens pre-season.”

“Obviously coming onboard at Glebe happened quicker than expected and having to recruit a whole new squad apart from one is always going to be a challenge. Players all wanted deals done early so they know their situation meaning there hasn’t been lots of time to make some big calls but we are all about players that want to be at the football club and that have the right character on and off the field. We have recruited what we feel are the right type of player but like any club we will always be looking to improve.”

“We have a mixture of players, some I’ve worked hard with and have shown a real desire to make the step up and get the opportunity and a good batch of new and experienced players that will bring a good balance to the group. This includes top goalscorer Jamie Philpot who is proven at this level plus Sam Wood who brings levels of experience and quality to the squad.”

What can we expect from this new look Glebe squad this year?

“We are about the long term plan, this season requires finding the right group, including forming a pathway from the reserves and u23s to the first team. We aim to be competitive every week and pushing into the top half of the table. A nice cup run would also be great for the club!”

Fred probably couldn’t have had a tougher two games to kick off his life in the Glebe dugout.

“We couldn’t start with a bigger test, facing Faversham Town away on Saturday in the League and East Grinstead are our opponents in the FA Cup. What an opportunity for the players and club though.”

“This season there are lots of teams that have improved and I feel you can’t underestimate anyone you’re facing. It’s all about who wants it more on the day and we will take each game one at a time.”

“Genuinely though, it has all come round so quick, having Chris Steadman with me as my assistant and a great group of staff around us we are thoroughly looking forward to the challenge ahead.”



Hollands & Blair Manager Luke Jessup will be looking for more consistency from his side as they look to challenge at the top end of the table this season.

They finished 15th last term and Luke feels they are better prepared this time after a full pre-season with a fresh-looking squad.

“Preparations have gone well. We introduced a strength and conditioning coach this year, we have had a mixed bag of results with varying performances, but in the main, we are very upbeat.”

“We have made many new signings over the course of the pre-season, in all positions and we still have kept on a few from last season, what we consider to be our back bone.”

A trip to Lingfield in the FA Cup follows a league start against Holmesdale at Star Meadow this Saturday.

“Holmesdale visit us on the fist game of the season and we expect them to be very direct with loads of energy. Our preparation has included how we think they will set up, but also with an eye on Lingfield in the cup.”

And can Blair get amongst some of the more fancied sides this year?

“Our aim is simply put, a finish in the Top 5. I think there is a lot of obvious expectations from the bigger budget teams that finished in the Top 5 last season. In all honesty, heavy expectations and pressure will already start weighing on them, even before the season has started.”

And signing off..

“Finally, I would like to thank all of the players we’ve been in contact with over the last 6 weeks. We wish them all the very best of luck, as well as our competitors in the SCEFL leagues.

“Up the Blair!!!”



Holmesdale have chosen Reece Parara as the man to lead them into the 2024/25 season.

The former Welling United u23s boss has had a hectic pre-season preparing his team for the rigours that lie ahead.

“Preparations have gone really well, we started off with over 40 players who all wanted to be part of the journey and have slowly reduced that to 20 players who will make up the squad this season. They have adapted well to the style of play and have had some good results during pre season.”

“Its a brand new squad with a few players retained from last season, We believe the squad we have assembled has a good blend of experience and youth in order to be competitive in this league.”

Holmesdale begin their league campaign away at Hollands & Blair before they host Crawley Down Gatwick in the FA Cup the following week.

“On paper its a really exciting start to the season but it’s important that as a group we take things one game at a time and prepare accordingly.”

What can we expect from Holmesdale this year?

“Internally we have a collective goal for the season that has been set out, which we will keep to ourselves at the moment.”

“We’d love for our fans to come down and really get behind the lads, as we all know the fans are the most important people at the club and can be our 12th man.

“We plan on producing a brand of football that will excite and motivate our fans to turn up week in week out.”



Last season was a tough one for Kennington, with a disturbed pre-season setting them up for an under par Premier Division campaign.

The Ton’s First Team Manager, Dan Scorer, will be keen to get off to a better start this time around and by the sounds of it he is in a good place to do just that.

“We’ve had a much more productive pre-season schedule this time round – last year was a complete shambles in all honesty, with teams dropping out of fixtures and the on-going pitch saga at Homelands. We come into the new season feeling a lot better prepared for another tough season in a very competitive league.

“The retention of the majority of last seasons squad was crucial, for us to continue building on a strong finish to the last campaign. Again, our recruitment last year wasn’t good enough and we’ve had to work hard to ensure we are adding the right players that give us exactly what we’re looking for. Our recruitment is very different to many sides in the league, and I’m delighted with the handful of additions we’ve made.”

Kennington kick off their league campaign with a home game against Tunbridge Wells, while they come up against familiar faces in the Cup competitions.

“We’ve been handed some really exciting cup ties, with our FA Cup opponents, Larkfield & New Hythe making their debut in the competition, which is sure to make it a great occasion. In the FA Vase we welcome Loxwood to Homelands, who we know are managed by former Croydon manager, Liam Giles. Ties against Hollands & Blair and Bearsted in the Challenge Cup and Kent Senior Trophy, are probably as tough as they come, with both sides recruiting very well and looking set for a big promotion challenge.”

How does Dan see the league playing out this year, and how can we expect Kennington to play their part?

“It’s really wide open this year, sides that came close last year have all got to come back a lot stronger mentally. Faversham have all the foundations to be successful, and under the guidance of Tommy Warrilow, I think they’re hard to look past. I expect to see Bearsted and Whitstable improve on impressive seasons last campaign and think they’ll certainly be pushing for play-offs.”

“Our main aim, first and foremost is to show a massive improvement on last seasons tough campaign. Our league form in the opening half of the season was understandably disappointing, with our first 14 games all away from home. We’ll be hoping to get a much better start under our belts, and then reassessing in a couple of months.”

“We’re looking forward to welcoming back all the supporters that stood by us during a difficult campaign last season, and are fully prepared to give them a season that hopefully we’ll all remember.”


Larkfield & New Hythe will be playing Step 5 football for the first time in their history this season, a magnificent achievement for all involved at the club.

There have been a few additions and changes made to Danny Lye’s squad as he prepares it for the rigours that lie ahead but they have prepared well and are ready to go, as Club Secretary Adam Handy explains…

“We have kept the core of last seasons squad. They got us promoted and so deserve a chance in the Prem. That said we have also strengthened bringing Ben Davisson, Ryan Cheek, Callum Emptage and firepower upfront in Bryan Zepo, Chibueze Echem, Temi Alaka, Steve Karkari and Alvin Turyatemba.”

“Pre-season has gone well, we drew with Eastbourne AFC and beat Hythe, Herne Bay and Hawkinge. We were fortunate to secure a game with Maidstone United which gave the boys a stern test. As always we have picked up a few injuries but we have good strength in depth.”

There are no easy games in the Premier Division and Larkfield are thrown straight in the deep end – they also have another club first to look forward to in the Cup competitions too!

“We always like to play clubs from different leagues and so our FA Vase trip to Selsey will be fun. Our first ever FA Cup game is at home to Kennington, who of course we know very well and we will look to compete.”

“We start away at Rusthall who we know will start well be tough. Next games are Glebe and Punjab United – this is why we wanted to be in the Prem to play against the best sides. Bring it on!”

How can we expect Larkfield & New Hythe to do in their first season at this level?

“We brought Danny Lye and Micky Phillips in to be successful and they do not want anything else. They will be looking to get into the play offs – that is our aspiration. We know it will be extremely tough but we will give it a god try. We will definitely need and want to start strongly.”

“No doubt Faversham Town will be favourites but they will be pushed hard by Corinthian, Whitstable Town, Glebe and Erith & Belvedere. Dark horses may well be Lordswood and Punjab United. We hope to be amongst them.”

“It is a long season and there will be some roller coaster rides for some teams. We will never underestimate anyone.”

“We are so looking forward to our first season in the SCEFL Prem!”

Lordswood have made some eye-catching signings ahead of this season start as they aim to kick on from last years mid-table finish and make a challenge for the play-offs.

Nicky Southall has especially strengthened his attacking options and as a result Lordswood certainly look like a side to watch out for this year.

The Lords boss can’t wait for Saturday to come around…

“Results have been a mixed bag in preseason, we have used a lot of trialists and spilt two teams most games. It’s all about fitness and to be honest I’m glad the seasons more or less here as preseason players can become stale as the games can become a little disjointed with substitutions etc…”

“The squad has changed and improved in my opinion we have some real fire power now in forward areas also some much-needed experience in the centre of midfield, but as a manager I’m always looking out to try and improve if a player becomes available.”

Lordswood have some tough early games to look forward to, including a visit to last years play off finalists this Saturday.

“We start the season away to Corinthian which is probably one of the toughest games to start with, they had a great season last campaign and are a very well-established team at our level. I will know more about my team after Saturday’s game as going to one of the favourites for promotion and plays offs will give me a great insight to judge where we are as a club. We then have FA Cup a week later to Erith & Belvedere who have just come down from the league above and no doubt this is again another toughie, so yes, some good early games to look forward to.”

With a good start, should we expect Lordswood to be at the top end this season, and if not, who will do well in what looks like an exciting season ahead?

“Obviously, me my staff and players want to be chasing playoffs and competing with the teams in the upper half of the table so it’s important we try and get off to a decent start in the league and cups. Revenue from good cup runs is massively important at any level but especially our club so it would be good to try and have a good run at the FA Cup and the FA Vase.”

“Every league seems to get tougher by the year and this year isn’t any different there’s no real stand out as such as there is a lot of quality and strength in-depth but you obviously have to look at Faversham, Corinthian, Whitstable, Glebe, VCD there’s so many to mention so yes exciting days ahead.”


Lydd Town’s first season at Step 5 ended in an impressive top ten finish and we have the feeling that the Lydders steady growth and improvement has not finished yet.

They do begin this campaign having to overcome the hurdle of a late change of management though, with Scott Porter leaving the club this week le

Mike Robbins, Director of Football at Lydd has taken charge of talking to us, and began by explaining recent changes at the club.

“The main change, is not to the squad, but that we have recently lost Scott Porter and his management team.”

“Therefore, we will start the season, with a new senior management team, formed by a few of the Senior players plus First Team coaches Dexter Gondongwe and Tom Wynter supported by myself (Director of Football).”

“Additions wise, there have been a few new and younger faces added, and of course Ryan ‘Vinny’ Philpott has returned from Kennington. We are particularly pleased to secure his services – and hope to keep him at the Lindsay Fields to form a formidable strike partnership with Luke Burdon.”

“We did lose a couple of players who have moved up a step or two, which as someone who believes in development, can only be seen as a good thing.”

“Other than that preparations in general, have gone as well as we could have hoped.”

“We were a little late of the blocks, because our pitch was out of bounds and being worked on by our excellent work by the grounds team; and so we chose not to have a ‘named friendly’ this year. Instead we chose to play teams who played in a certain way, that gradually got better ahead of a League and Cup campaign that starts so early now.”

That early start begins at VCD Athletic on Saturday before long treks in the FA Competitions.

“The first game will be an immediate test, with VCD giving us a footballing lesson last year. Many of that team are still here with us, and so let’s see what it means to them.
In the Cups, we have an away fixture in the FA Cup to Camberley Town (Probably one of the furthest we could have had) ; Who by chance we beat by a single goal in the same round last season.
In the Vase, we have an away fixture with Bridon Ropes; We have had them watched in Pre-Season, and know that they will not be a pushover.”

Will Lydd be aiming for another top ten finish this year?

“For ourselves, before we set any targets, lets get enough points on the board to stay in the division again – and then see what we can achieve after that.”

“For the League, everyone will say that Faversham are the favourites – and when you have as much experience as they have – players and management with football league experience – they really should be. However they were favourites last season too, and every game was a cup final for them.”

“Otherwise, Whitstable Town and Erith and Belvedere should be there or there abouts. Bearsted with that lovely pitch could also be dark horses.
The SCEFL is a crazy league. Including all of our games, I watched around 80 games last season. And one thing is definite, you can be absolutely battering a team 1-0 and then lose a game 2-1. And the reverse of that, you can be getting battered 1-0 only to nick a draw. As we showed last season any team can beat any team.”

And how are Lydd Town looking as a whole?

“We have expanded massively off of the pitch, bringing the Lydd Grass hoppers youth section into the club under the Lydd Town name – Our new yellow away strip is actually a nod to them. Therefore, we now have over 20 teams here at Lydd Town.
We have also entered an U23 side in the SCEFL Development league which will be also be overseen by first team coach, Dexter.”

“The club is almost unrecognisable from the County League days. In fact the only thing that hasn’t changed is the howling wind!”



Year-on-year we have seen steady progress from Punjab United, which culminated in a 9th place finish in the Premier Division last time around.

Off the field, improvements have been obvious too, aided by the work from Head of Media, Ben Brown, who has done a terrific job in helping to raise the profile of Punjab United in recent years.

Ben continued on that work by giving us some of his time and he begins by giving us an update on the Punjab United preparations for this season.

“In pre-season, we’ve played against some very high-quality teams where performances have been good. Our most recent game was against Barking where we won 3-0 with goals from Reece, Cruis and Wayne. Overall, it’s been a good pre-season and I feel that the team is ready for the new season.”

“We’ve mainly kept the same squad as last year with only 2 players leaving but I have felt we have made some quality additions to the squad which will allow us to achieve our goals this season. Additions include Reece, Toib and Ryan Hayes who will all hopefully make an impact for us this season. As we say every year, and it feels like we keep repeating ourselves, the league gets tougher each season with promoted teams showing they can compete and relegated teams showing that they want to get out of this league.”

>Looking ahead to their early opponents across all competitions, Punjab United know their opponents well.

“First game of the season we are away to Fisher. It’s a bit of a coincidence as we spoke to them in the away match last season, saying it would be nice to have us play each other in some nice weather and hopefully, weather permitted, that can be the case. In the FA Cup, we are at home to Snodland Town. We’ve played them lots of times over the years and hopefully we can get some revenge for for a heavy defeat to them in April. If we win this we are away to Sheerwater or Rusthall who are two very good teams. In the FA Vase we have been drawn against Balham FC away from home. We played them once when they were in our league and won 2-1 so we are hoping to continue that. It will be a difficult game but hopefully we can make it through to the next round. In the SCEFL Challenge Cup, we have been drawn against SCEFL Division 1 side SC Thamesmead at home. They have recruited well this year and we know it will be a tough game. Finally, in the Kent Senior Trophy we are at home to Lewisham Borough and then the winner of that game is away to Glebe. They are two very good teams and we will need to be at our best if we want to progress. Overall, I’m happy with the draws and feel that we can go far in some competitions.”

Who does Ben believe will be challenging for honours this season? And could one of those teams be Punjab?

“This season will be very competitive and I feel like there is no real difference between most sides. Teams such as Bearsted, Faversham, Lydd, VCD and Whitstable I feel that they will be up there this season. However, I would like to make a play-off push but who knows what could happen. We just need to have a good start.”

“We’d like to see as many people down to The Steve Cook stadium this season. Attendances are on the rise and we’d love to welcome so many of you here.”



Things didn’t go as well as Rusthall would have wished last year so they will be eager to get off to a decent start and have an improved campaign this time.

Club chairman Dean Jacquin is hopeful after some good results in pre-season and is excited by the new additions that Jimmy Anderson has made to his squad.

“The seasons preparations have gone well. We were unbeaten in our 5 friendlies and the squad have been gelling well in these games. We won comfortably away at Rochester Utd first up, followed that up with a draw against Redhill, before victories over Crowborough AFC and Crawley Down Gatwick at home. Our final game was against Eastbourne Utd which ended 1-1.”

“The make up of the squad this season is a mix of retained, returning and new players. Returning are Charlie Clover and Robbie Bissett and Frank Griffin has joined from Hollands & Blair amongst several others.”

Dean is keen for Rusthall to have a Cup run.

“Cup competitions have been fairly disappointing over the past few seasons so that is an area we a looking to improve upon. We travel to Sheerwater in the FA Cup with the carrot of a home game against either Punjab United or Snodland if we win. In the FA Vase we face Soul Tower Hamlets from the SCEFL First Division and in the Challenge Cup we face Meridian VP. The KST has thrown up a tough fixture away to Faversham Town, but we certainly hope to go deeper in some cup competitions this season.”

And what part will Rusthall play in the Premier Division this year?

“Our aim for this season is to obviously improve on last seasons poor final league position. If we can finish in the top half of the table we can look on that as progress. “

“Faversham Town are going to be the hot favourites again with Whitstable close behind, but away from those two sides we believe the rest are going be fairly well matched. Consistency will be key to a decent league position come April and Bearsted could be the team that gets in amongst the top of the table if they continue from where they left off last season.”

And as Chairman, how are Rusthall looking behind the scenes?

“Off the field the club have been fairly busy. We have had a borehole and water tank installed so we now have our own free water supply to aid in the irrigation of the pitch in the drier months. We have also built a club shop to sell Merchandise from and soon our fanzone marquee will be open. This will serve drinks from a different location in the ground and provide a different place for fans to mix before and after games.”


A strong first season at Step 5 saw Snodland Town finish in 8th place but with changes made over the summer it could be tough to repeat the highs of last year.

Byron Walker has been handed the baton and the task of building on that impressive SCEFL Prem debut and the new boss has been working hard to hit the ground running on Saturday.

“Snodland FC’s management has dedicated countless hours to rebuilding the 2024/2025 squad, unveiling a fresh lineup brimming with new talent and potential. The team’s transformation has brought in players who exemplify utmost professionalism, unwavering discipline, and a profound dedication to our unique playing philosophy.
This season, our primary goal is to encapsulate the very spirit of the Snodland community within our squad – embodying resilience, fervour, and unity, characterised by a formidable work ethic and an unyielding drive for success.
Embracing a distinctive style of play, we understand that adapting to these changes will require some time, given the significant overhaul and inclusion of a new cohort of players.”

“Returning to the pitch after a challenging break, the team exuded enthusiasm and determination. The sense of anticipation was palpable, with both players and fans eager to witness the development of the club.
Smiles continue to adorn the faces of the players, reflecting our excitement for the upcoming challenges.
Following an intense preseason regimen, the team devoted themselves to refining our tactical approach and strengthening their bond on the field. Confronting formidable opponents in friendlies, they showcased stellar performances securing impressive results that reinforced their commitment our playing style. The pre-season period has allowed us to experiment with various formations, highlighting our reserves and U23 talents.”

On Saturday Snodland host Erith & Belvedere before visiting Punjab United in the FA Cup.

“Erith and Belvedere is a fantastic club with dedicated staff members who are determined to get them back to step 4 of the football league. The anticipation for a competitive match is palpable as we have both undergone rigorous pre-season preparations. However, the atmosphere will intensify when the players step onto the pitch, as we are now playing for valuable points.”

“In the upcoming FA Cup clash against Punjab United, we expect a tough challenge against a well-organised side. Chipie’s strategic recruitment has bolstered the squad with seasoned players, adding depth and experience to their line up. However, particularly in the FA Cup, known for its unpredictability and surprises, the outcome remains uncertain.”

“Our team remains determined and committed to success. Intensive training sessions and meticulous preparation are at the core of our approach as we strive to showcase our best performance on the pitch. The uncertainty of the FA Cup only adds to the excitement as we eagerly await the outcome of this highly-anticipated match.”

And what can we expect from Snodland this year?

“Our aim this season is to present a team that embodies the spirit of the Snodland community: resilient, passionate, and united, with a strong work ethic and a winning mentality. Every team enters this league wanting to win it and gain promotion, but we are taking it one game at a time.”

“It is far too early to start predicting the league. Our focus is what we do and nobody else. The teams on paper people thought would win it last year didn’t, so our focus is more on what we do on the pitch and collating as many points as possible.”

Stansfeld have had a change of home ground over the summer, with Cray Valley now playing hosts to Billy Shinners team.

Billy, now in his second year as First Team Manager of the Club is pleased with the work done over the close season.

“Preparations have gone ok. There have been changes on and off the pitch and there is sense of a fresh start throughout the club which is exciting.”

“We had a bunch of new players come in near the end of last season, which laid a good foundation for the start of this, plus some new additions over the summer. I feel we have a more secure squad now where the club can be what they want to be. We have a good club togetherness on and off the pitch.”

They may have a new home but Stansfeld will be on the road in their opening games. League games at Bearsted and Snodland Town sandwich an away FA Cup tie in Surrey.

“We were hoping to get a Home Draw in the FA Cup at our new home ground ‘Badgers Sports’ where our old and new supporters could of came down; to see our new facilities but it wasn’t meant to be. An away trip to Badshot Lea who we previously played in 2021 in the FA Vase; it will be a good coach trip which will be good for team building.”

And what can we expect from Stansfeld this year?

“As always it will be a very competitive league. Stansfeld will continue to operative as we always have and only worry about yourself and not other clubs.”

“We have a young and exciting squad so looking forward to upcoming season.”


It was a tight call for Sutton Athletic last year, with only the fortune of one relegation spot saving them from dropping a Division.

Ryan Huckle will lead the side again and with the experience gained last year, a calmer campaign is expected this.

New signings include Danny Powell and Dominic Wynter-Stephens showing some intent from a Sutton side that host one of the fancied sides for the Division this Saturday, in Whitstable Town.

They remain at Lower Road in the FA Cup in the week that follows, with Sandhurst Town the visitors while the FA Vase brings a road trip and Midhurst & Easebourne United as the destination.


Tunbridge Wells are overdue a big SCEFL season with mid-table finishes the results of most recent seasons.

Could this be the year that Wells get in and amongst it this year and challenge for honours?

After a good pre-season Manager Steve Ives is happy with his preparations.

“I am pleased with how things have gone. The plan intentionally was to make each game more challenging than the one before and that’s how it worked out.”

“We kept 4 clean sheets and put in some good performances.”

“Some of our more standout names from last year have left and that has changed the squad dynamic. As a result we seem to be a more close knit group than before.”

And are Tunbridge Wells ready for a Kennington on Saturday and a big season ahead?

“I feel we are in a relatively good place but we are under no illusions that business starts on Saturday and we are going to be judged by how many wins and how many points we can get on the table.”

VCD Athletic returned to Step 5 after a 10 year break and finished their first season back at this level hovering around mid-table.

Some eye-catching signings appear to show that VCD have bigger plans this year and joint-manager Danny Joy speaks excitedly about the new signings added to their established squad.

“The squad is fairly settled from last year, we have retained everyone we wanted and only added a few new faces where we felt we needed to. We have added Lewis Clark, a left back from Phoenix Sports who has vast experience and add balance to the team. Nathaniel Olawole is a winger from Snodland Town who we felt caused us problems last year with his explosive pace and quick feet. Arlie Desanges is a proven goal scorer and that’s something we felt we desperately needed to improve on from last season. And lastly Connor Dymond brings a wealth of quality, desire and experience having played at clubs much higher up the leagues.”

“Pre-season has been good for us, a mixed bag of opponents that have caused us different problems that we may face during the coming season. We played Ilford, a side at Step 5 in Essex and ran out 4-2 winners with all 20 players getting 45 minutes. We then beat Rochester United 6-1 on a sweltering Saturday afternoon. Last week we lost narrowly to Herne Bay 3-2 and beat a mixed Cray Wanderers team at home 2-1 on Tuesday night. Our last friendly was a 2-2 draw against Step 4 side Sheppey United.”

The FA Cup brings a tough trip but first up Oakwood hosts on Saturday.

“We play Lydd Town at home on the opening day. Always a very tough game against them. They will be looking to get into the playoffs this season and we will have to be 100% ready for the best they have to offer on the 27th. We have two away draws on the cups, in the FA Cup we travel to Met Police which will be a very tough game as they have come down from Step 3 just a few years ago. A good experience for the boys though and a chance to pit our wits against higher league opponents. In the FA Vase we travel to Westside, an unknown quantity for us but a game will look forward to.”

How can we expect VCD to do this season?

“Ambitions for the season is definitely to improve on last year. A season of two halves having a brand new team that didn’t really click to ending with a team with a real philosophy on how we want to play and only losing one of our last 10 games gives us real hope of a better finish this season.”

“The league this year as always will be as competitive as ever, regardless of budgets and personnel its a cliche but anyone can beat anyone on their day in the SCEFL. We just hope to be in the mix come that latter part if the season, if we can get to the last game with something to play for we will be happy.”

“We will be doing lots of initiatives this season to encourage more supporters through the gate, hopefully an attractive style of football will also go a long way to achieving that.”


The word on the street is that Whitstable Town could be the team to challenge Faversham Town for the title this year. With the Oysters coming second in our Prediction Poll when asked for league winners.

Jamie Coyle is the man in the hotseat at The Belmont this year and, as their website has reported, they have a big aim and are working hard to achieve it.

“Throughout pre-season, Jamie, Matt, and Dan have been hard at work recruiting and building a squad that can compete with the goal of promotion.”

“In addition to assembling a strong team, our coaching staff have put the players through an intense training regimen designed to enhance their fitness, sharpen their skills, and foster team cohesion. The players have faced tough opponents in pre-season friendlies, providing valuable experience and testing their mettle against high-calibre competition. These challenging matches have been instrumental in preparing the squad for the demands of the upcoming season.”

Whitstable Town start their league season at Sutton Athletic, visit Sevenoaks Town in the FA Cup next week before league games against Rusthall and Lydd Town.

A strong start could signal a season of glory for Whitstable and according to you lot, that would not be much of a surprise.


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And there we have it.

The time for talking is now over , the time for action is now here.

On Saturday begins 9 months of SCEFL football which is sure to entertain, inspire and amaze us. Come next May, we will have crowned our Champions, promoted our Play-Off winners and be looking forward to a rest.

But for now, we are excited for what lies ahead.

Hopefully this preview has whetted your appetite and you are now ready to pass through the turnstiles of one, or more, of these SCEFL clubs and are ready to cheer them on to success.

Thanks to all contributors for their time for this preview and wish them and their teams the best of luck over the 2024/24 Presence & Co. SCEFL Premier Division season.

All clubs were asked for comments for this preview. Updates may occur over the coming days.